
Taking care of a newborn baby is no joke. Take this quiz to know if you're already prepered

When does a baby's umbilical cord stump fall off?√
1 - 2 days after birth 1-2 weeks after birth 1 month or so after birth 2 months or so after birth

True or False – contact the doctor immediately if the baby’s umbilical cord stump gets wet?
false True

"What is the substance that covers a newborn baby called?
Vernix Meconium Laguno Vernix

How early can we start tummy time?
Right after birth 1 - 2 weeks after birth 2 - 3 months after birth 2 - 4 weeks after birth

Which of the below positions should a baby never sleep in?
Right Side Left side Stomach Back

How long should tummy time last when a baby is 3 – 4 months old
5 minutes 10 minutes 20 minutes 30 minutes